The new careers are OK, but are never going to compete with the more active "Get to Work" careers, or running your own business. The activities will give you a couple hours of new game-play before you are done, unless you like spending hours protesting or being a "living statue".

The bars are very bland, with no live music, except for the odd karaoke singer. Apartments are OK, but build restrictions mean most wont be moving from their 6 story house to 2 floor apartment. Take your Sims to the city, create powerful vampires, and live the glamorous life. City Living, on the other hand, has got to be the most disappointing expansion so far, and would have been better suited to being a "Game Pack", rather than an expansion, because it was too expensive for what it added. Includes The Sims 4 City Living Expansion Pack, The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack, and The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack. These packs have given hours worth of entertainment, in either Game Pack or Expansion format. With each expansion that has been released, we've got a good amount of content, that has added a great deal of game-play (camping, restaurants, active careers, spas, clubs) and added new worlds along with it.

I have a ridiculous amount of hours in all the Sims series, totalling thousands of hours, and currently sit at 260 hours on Sims4, but I don't I have a ridiculous amount of hours in all the Sims series, totalling thousands of hours, and currently sit at 260 hours on Sims4, but I don't understand why City Living is getting such high review scores.