How to wow addons 2019
How to wow addons 2019

how to wow addons 2019

Mp5 delay is now displayed reverse with a yellow spark. Fix an issue where some buffs/debuffs timers were displayed with 0 text. Fix a minimap scaling issue with other addons icons. Various minor fixes reported on our ticket tracker. Add an option to disable shaman totem class bar. Player and Target will now also display health current pourcentage. Fix a lua error with player aura statusbar disabled and totembar enabled on shaman. Fix a bug where shaman totem bar was misaligned when portrait were enabled. Fix bug where mage evocation was firing power mp5 indicator delay, which should not. If you have an issue with it, disable it in config. For editors, you can now set oUF_EnergyManaRegen to vertical orientation. No need to display percentage when total power is 100 (example, rogue power) Available from micromenu or by doing /sw, /stopwatch, /timer Fix a healcomm lua error with healing touch on druid. Enhance nameplates, party, raid highlight system. Add a confirmation popup when user /tukui reset Fix Tukui popups button #2 (cancel) not working as intented. Go in config if you wish to restore them. This info is already available around minimap for player. Default setting for player unit frame auras is now OFF. You can now change raid icons size in config. Party/Raid unit range check is now 40 yards instead of 28. Master looter mode is now available on Tukui loot. COD:MW will be displayed in friends datatext. New datatext request, character stats, set it with /tukui dt Fix compare tooltip sometime being show while holding shift on unitframes.

how to wow addons 2019

Remove GetTotemInfo API / Shaman Totem Bar This should bypass the blizzard taint error until Blizzard fix it. Disable Blizzard Battleground static popup for entering BG, add our own notification to enter BG. Add a display option for auras in raid GUI. Fix a bug where you could not hear your character warning after a casting error (example: cast on cooldown) Fix chat install/setup (and reset: /tukui chat reset) sometime not working properly. Some UI fixes reported by users on GIT. Please use "/tukui dt" to replace them or use "/tukui dt reset" to restore default active datatexts. "FPS/MS" and "Memory" datatexts are gone. Please note: Restart your game after this update, a simple /rl after updating won't be ok for this new version Enhance /tukui move, moving something (like action bar 2) will not move others elements from the UI.

how to wow addons 2019

Update LibHealComm, LibClassicDusations and LibClassicCasterino libraries. New option in UnitFrames to set background opacity to Health and Power. Health and Power background opacity changes. Some UI fixes reported by users on GIT again. Add Threat Bar and an option in the GUI to enable/disable it. Fix action bar #4 not moving with actionbar #1 when drag. Fix white nameplate statusbar background.

How to wow addons 2019