Important: Buying and selling of game currency and items for real money is prohibited in most games, including in Diablo 3. Service is also available legendary production of reagents for crafting amulets.
Forgotten soul and the breath of death. Passive ability will only work on the class, which was obtained, for example, Passive "Harmony", working only on the monk will not work on Demon Hunter or any other class. Such charms help you if you do not have enough slots standard passive abilities. The service involves the preparation of amulets hellfire, which represent the amulet with extra passive ability. Advice to choose what is best gems to your character. Yellow, blue and white craft resources and the rest of the drop side. In addition to the legendary stones you will get: They can be used in a completely different builds and it builds add uniqueness. The service includes the production of legendary gems that significantly increase the power of the hero, making him stronger. blurred crystals + Arcane Dust 1000 pieces. Gold, gems, resources, experience and side drop. Farm legendary items to the loss of the desired amount recognition (identification) items not carried out. Production of the legendary sets and objects, all objects remain unidentified.